The Future of Aviation in Asia

Exploring the Future of Sustainable Aviation with TA Connections at the CAPA Airline Leader Summit
TA Connections attended the CAPA Airline Leader Summit in Hong Kong. The two-day event focused on consumers, companies, and governments who are more focused than ever on sustainability, shaping a low-carbon future, and important future trends for regional aviation.The event included a roster of speakers and panels featuring industry knowledge leaders, offering deep understanding of important trends and valuable networking opportunities.

TA Connections provided Demos of Our Latest Sustainable Solutions
During this event, TA Connections showcased our range of products and sustainable solutions, including: TA Crew Hub, TA Disruption Hub, TA Ramp, TA Inflight, and TA Airport. Our team met with many industry leaders and even made friends with the mascots from Ocean Park at the gala dinner.

TA Connections Can Transform Your Operations
Contact us to see how our products can drive sustainable change in aviation for you. Our team can provide you with a personalized demonstration of how our products are designed to:
Reduce costs across your entire operation, including crew lodging and logistics, ramp, turn, and airport systems, and disrupted passenger management.
Improve performance and increase customer satisfaction.
Increase the efficiency of your customer service, crew management, and operations teams.
- Provide automated digital and mobile solutions for manual, paper-intensive tasks